BASIN Database - Data Confidentiality

Data Confidentiality

A period of data confidentiality exists for most industry generated well and geophysical survey information. Information or documentation, which includes samples, data, records and reports submitted to the Boards (CNLOPB, CNSOPB) may be disclosed to any interested third party in accordance with relevant Acts after a period of confidentiality has expired. BASIN does not contain any privileged information. The period of data confidentiality is variable: for well data it depends on the classification of the well (exploratory, delineation or development) and the type of well data involved; for geophysical survey data it depends on the survey classification (exclusive or speculative). Periods of data confidentiality also vary between Provincial and Territorial jurisdictional areas.

Employees of NRCan (Natural Resources of Canada) - which includes the staff of the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC), Earth Science Sector (ESS) - who collect data and information for internal research purposes are usually given privileged access to, and use of, those data for a period of two years after their collection. At the end of the period of privileged access the data is usually made publicly available. In most cases these data are made available as soon as possible.

The following information is provided as a summary guide only, in all cases refer to the guidelines and Acts available through the appropriate regulatory agencies.

Well Data

The following table broadly outlines the confidentiality periods for various data and well classifications for offshore Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador wells. The period of confidentiality begin on the well termination date.

Data ClassificationWell ClassificationPeriod of Confidentiality
basic well, drilling & levels dataallno confidentiality period
sample, lithostratigraphic, log, test dataexploratory2 years
as abovedelineation90 days
as abovedevelopment60 days
biostratigraphic, geochemical, petrological dataall5 years

Geophysical Surveys

For offshore Nova Scotia and Newfoundland and Labrador geophysical surveys the period of confidentiality for speculative (non-exclusive) surveys is 10 years following the completion date of the survey, for exclusive surveys the data is held confidential for 5 years after the completion date. The completion date occurs 6 months after the field program has terminated.

Contacts and Detailed Information

For a complete description of confidentiality periods and availability of information associated with wells and geophysical surveys please contact the relevant regulatory board or government agency. These links are provided solely for the convenience of Natural Resources Canada Web site users. Natural Resources Canada is not responsible for the information found through these links.

Jurisdictional AreaRegulatory Board
Offshore Nova ScotiaCanada-Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board
Offshore Newfoundland and LabradorCanada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board
Gulf of St. Lawrence, Hudson Bay, north of 60 degreesCanada Energy Regulator
Nova Scotia (onshore)Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forestry
New Brunswick (onshore)New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources and Energy Development
Prince Edward Island (onshore)Prince Edward Island Department of Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy
Newfoundland (onshore)Newfoundland and Labrador Department of Industry, Energy and Technology
Quebec (onshore)Quebec Department of Energy and Natural Resources
Offshore GreenlandGeological Survey of Denmark and Greenland
Offshore eastern United StatesU.S. Department of the Interior: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management